Introduction to the Internet Seminar - Agenda/Outline

I. INTRODUCTION - Just What is the Internet?

A. World Wide Communication & Data Base System B. Where Did it Come From? C. Nobody Owns This Thing! D. It's Eclectic!

II. WHY? - The Importance of Knowing About & Using the Internet!

A. Personal Perks B. Business Benefits C. It's Changing Our Culture D. Taming the Web!

III. PITFALLS? - Is it Really All Good & No Bad?

A. Is This Information Good? B. Who Really Needs What? C. Is the Internet Connection Earning it's Keep? D. Do You Have Self-Control? E. Help From the Technology Itself!

IV. HOW? - Getting On-Line!

A. The Needed Hardware! B. The Needed Software! C. The On-Ramp!

V. QUESTIONS? - Hands On Investigating!

Prepared by Steven W. Reynolds, 11/96. I may currently be reached by EMAIL at

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