World Wide Communication & Data Base System

A. In General Terms 1. Network of over 4 million computers worldwide 2. Over 40 million people 3. Computers connected by wires, radio waves and electronic switches B. More Technical Terms 1. METANETWORK - a network of networks that spans the globe. (NETWORK - more than one computer connected such that information and/or components may be shared between them) 2. DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM - there are no central archives 3. PROTOCOLS - rules which developers adhere to which allow different kinds of computers (i.e. PCs, MACs, Mainframes, Work Stations, etc.) to share information & resources C. Flexibility & Limitations 1. The flexibility comes from the fact that protocols define more how information is transferred than what information is transferred. The internet thrives due to many users finding creative ways to apply the rules. 2. The limitations come in 2 areas: a. FORMAT - Web Page Authors cannot completely control what users see (ultimately controlled by browser) b. BANDWIDTH - How much information can be sent through the wires and at what speed (The insufficiency of this may be the cause of the collapse of the internet you may read/hear about from time to time.)


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